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Writer's picture: jennetoddjennetodd

Don't simply survive adversity - crush it. Overcoming our greatest trials can put us on the path to greatness!

We all have something that threatens to keep us stuck - it's usually a mindset or limiting belief we have adopted to actually cope with adversity in the past.

I've had my share of adversity too...some trials resembled a skinned knee, while others cracked me right open - those ones produced the most growth & change! Sheesh - I wish it were the other way around...wish I could've slapped on a band-aid and called it a day.

These un-scientifically proven keys have helped me turn my deepest adversities into my greatest sprouts and allowed me to triumph over difficulty & to become who I was created to be.


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These un-scientifically proven keys have helped me turn my deepest adversities into my greatest sprouts (see the previous email entitled Sprouts Journal) and allowed me to triumph over difficulty & to become who I was created to be.

1. FORGIVE- and mean it. First, forgive yourself - you're not perfect and that's okay. What would you tell a child to do? Take your own advice and be gentle with yourself. Next, forgive others - not because they deserve it or because they apologized (you may never get an apology), but because YOU deserve freedom from the burden of holding unforgiveness in your heart.

2. ASK FOR HELP- often. You're AMAZING at offering it - you'll be there in an instant (and feel honoured to do so) for a friend in need...and you know it. Stop feeling like a burden. Please, for the love of Beyonce - stop. Your life committee (friends, family, co-workers, house cleaner lol) WANT to be there for you too - so let them. If you need a meal - ask. Need someone to watch the kids for 2 hours so you can have a bath? Ask. Need a close friend to come over and sit with you while you cry? Yup - ask for that too. Allow yourself to be vulnerable by learning how to gracefully accept help. This will change your life and give you a super-dose of gratitude.

3. BE BROKEN for a little while. Be present with ALL of your feelings - not just the good ones. Rather than brushing off a terrible mood or anger as annoying or inconvenient, actually allow yourself to fully experience the feelings and seek to understand what they are there to show you about yourself. It's hard to be broken. It's even harder to let others see you broken, after all, we live in a culture where sucking it up and putting on a brave face are not only expected but also applauded. Be a broken bad-ass - it gives others permission to do the same.

Don't. Give. In.

Stay with it. Stay with the adversity until you are ready to move forward. Resist the temptation to push it down. Own it.

Allow adversity to SHIFT you.


© 2024 Shift Collective 

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