Hello, I'm Jenne!
I'm committed to your success (in a way no one else ever has been!) and I'll push you hard to achieve it on YOUR terms. Let's create and monetize your business quickly and efficiently... why take the stairs when you can take the elevator, right? I'm all-in for you and I'll truly do whatever it takes to equip you for the success you know you are capable of and deserve. We are in this together for better or worse (but obviously, for better!). Let's create something that will change lives, while we transform personal challenges into powerful opportunities for you.
A Little Bit About Me As A Business Owner & Coach...
As a 20+ year seasoned entrepreneur (10 years of which I've been a coach) I've had a winding journey on my path to business success (a definition evolving with each new season, as it should) from thinking I needed to DO more to learning I needed to BECOME more.
I launched my current coaching model from a few names on a pink post-it note and have gone on to serve hundreds of 1:1 clients since the inception of Shift Collective. I remember being completely overwhelmed, as I hit "post" on my social media accounts to announce my new endeavor - it was an instant love, combined with excitement and panic all at the same time. I wondered what people would think... what if they thought "who does she think she is?", what if I wasn't successful and people watched me fail, what if I was on a never-ending cycle of comparison and feeling like I didn't measure up? Then I remembered that it was all bigger than me, as I ate breakfast, looking out over the vastness of the mountains at Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies.
Through hiring my own coach and focusing on growing my mindset, prioritizing relationships and integrating some solid intention and strategy, I smashed the typical 5-year grow-in period and scaled my business in about 8 months, using the exact framework I teach to my clients to position myself to hit my first 6-figures not long after. At the time I had only small to medium-ticket offerings (i.e. they weren’t huge things!).
Many of my clients have been able to build exciting, sustainable businesses, allowing them to quit jobs they've felt trapped in, create more opportunity for balance and stress reduction and attract the clients they want to work with, all while seeing the fruits of their coaching investment result in other massive life wins.
Why do I love high performance coaching? After leading a large team in the the network marketing industry for almost 10 years, as well as surviving a life-threatening illness, I realized that there was one main thing standing in the way of most people's success - themselves. During my illness I found freedom from others' expectations and opinions and my fear of not measuring up transformed into fear around NOT actually sharing my gifts and pursuing this business in the first place. Through coaching, that's my ultimate mission: to ignite in others this radical sense of freedom and enthusiasm I am lucky to enjoy.
I've been committed to working on my own growth-mindset for basically my entire life and I'm super duper over-the-top and obsessively trained as a coach by some of the best in the industry, including Brendon Burchard and Dean Graziosi. I am one of only a few hundred Certified High Performance Coaches (mentored directly by Brendon Burchard) in the world. I take coaching seriously. Prior to becoming a high performance business coach, I earned international sales and leadership awards in network marketing, owned a multidisciplinary therapy clinic and served as a corporate health & safety ergonomics specialist (I'm what you might call "multi-passionate" like most entrepreneurs! Professionally... I am an educator at heart and at the College level where I teach communication, leadership, mindset, self-care and business-y things. I teach and serve with great care and intention by being kind, direct & challenging growth.
My Personal Story... It's Important To Know What You're Getting Into!
In a nutshell (the good nuts tho...like pistachios) I live in rural Ontario with my family, a fun-loving, emotionally intelligent, rock star, quirky bunch. We are dog freaks & think our dog is an actual human.
My mindset is a work-in-progress, strengthened by constantly adjusting my sails. I squeeze every drop out of life & always have - I move fast, leave no stone unturned and I value the real, authentic, perfectly messy moments in life as powerful opportunities for expansion. I believe that high levels of success result from investing in oneself & going all-in and I'm allergic to what I call "toe-dipping", having a "I'll see if it works" attitude and not fully immersing oneself when it comes to business.
I know who I am and have had to learn the hard way to know who I am not. I seek deep connection, I fall hard & laugh wildly. I thrive in high energy situations but also enjoy my own company... I'm an extroverted introvert and love watching others blossom into becoming themselves, too.
I am a recovering people pleaser/fixer turned fire-starter. I am almost always towing the line of deep discomfort to push myself and others to grow & evolve. I operate with a sense of gratitude + joy that attracts & energizes others.
I know what it takes to create a life that you're crazy about & how to bridge from a conventional lifestyle to a passionate existence and I promise you, it's not working harder or taking another online course or cracking another business development book! It's more do-able and purpose-driven than you might think.
Please reach out for
information on
coaching opportunities.
Text me: 519-608-2725